Mission X Golden Egg Archived Page


Case File Summary:

Mission Began:  3/31/19

Mission Ended: 4/21/19  1300 EST

Mission Bounty: Golden Egg with Surprise Treasure Inside ($50 Value)

Copper Level Mission


There was only 1 Dispatch for Mission X: (shown below):

Mission Instructions:

T4T Headquarters needed to discover a PASSWORD to gain access to further intelligence! Intel was intercepted by Agent White that the NAME found above is being used as a PASSWORD.

T4T Agents who discovered the PASSWORD, needed to forward it to T4T Headquarters by April 21st, 2019, 1300 EST to be entered into the Copper Level Mission drawing for Mission X’s Golden Egg Bounty!

Agents used the PASSWORD for Mission X to gain access to T4THQ’s Transmission Form: (Agents had Clicked Here for entry form)

The Solution:


It was all about “easter eggs”

Which “Huntmaster” made one that sold out (hic!)?

Jagermeister (meaning “huntmaster”) created a limited edition easter egg filled with their alcoholic liquid, but it sold out almost immediately.


The guy who “Indy” played has “gone alone” to visit this person when this one from Raiders appears.

Harrison Ford played Han “Solo”.  In the new Solo movie, there’s an “easter egg” – the golden idol from Raiders is hidden in Dryden Vos’ collection of alien artifacts.


Agitate segregate to discover what this is.

Simply an anagram of “segregate” – easter egg


It’s a “Puzzle” book that led to twelve of them in the UK. Conundrum

The book Conundrum was a quest for 12 golden eggs


It holds a record number of them – what’s the name of the city?

The city of Pomerode has the record for number of easter eggs in a tree.

Simply write out the answers in sequence, and select the letters that correspond with the red question marks.  This spells out AGENT GUMP.




Mission X Bounty:  Golden Egg with Surprise Inside ($50 Value)