Mission #9: Out of This World Archived Page
Case File Summary:
Mission #9: Out of The World Mission
Mission Began: 1/21/19
Mission Ended: 2/14/19 1300EST
Mission Bounty: Campo del Cielo Meteorite with Case and COA
Bounty Won by Agent Shrek
Mission Instructions: They were Found in Dispatch #1 (click on image below)
It was the only Dispatch that was released for the mission.
Mission Instructions:
T4T Headquarters needs to discover a Password to gain access to further intelligence! Intel was intercepted by Agent White that letters spelling out this Password have been secretly positioned on random pages of the website.
Can you find them and Discover the Password? They look similar to this (but contain letters):
T4T Agents who discover the Password, need to forward it to T4T Headquarters by February 14th, 2019 to be entered into the Copper Level Mission drawing for Mission #9’s – ‘You’re Out of this World Bounty’.
Use the Password secretly hidden on the website to gain access to T4THQ’s Transmission Form: CLICK HERE: GIVE ME ACCESS TO M9’s TRANSMISSION FORM PAGE
Mission 9’s Bounty is a Meteorite collected from the Campo del Cielo site (Field of Heaven). The meteorites are believed to over 4000-5000 years old. What a chance to own a piece of historic treasure!
Mission’s Answer:
The Password hidden was CUPID.
(images hidden on the MW have since been removed. They were only there for the mission)
The images were the following: