Mission #6: INTEL #6
After obtaining the numbered password from all of the Six Dispatched Intels for Mission #6, go to page: Mission #6: Final Intel: Drop Site.
Enter password and gain access to the final intel.
It is a 7 digit passcode-
Intel 2 is two digits
T4T Agents who did not receive the BLASTs sent on 9/18, there were the following messages which offer assistance on INTEL #4 if needed:
FIRST BLAST: Question from Agent White: For Intel #4, after realizing a theme, did a movie title help with the search?
SECOND BLAST: URGENT NEWS on Dispatch #4. Agent White overheard a conversation mentioning ‘DOT ORG’ (not DOT COM)
T4T Agents who have not signed up for the BLAST to receive communications from T4THQ can sign up below: